21, Feb 2024
Indian Dental Association conducting Oral Cancer Public Dental Health screening camp

Hyderabad, 21th February 2024: IDA (Indian Dental Association) through its Deccan Branch; is hosting an Oral Cancer Checkup, Screening, Awareness, Detection Camp, as a part of it’s a national CSR activity initiative till February 23rd 2024, between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm., at the APMC (Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee), Malakpet, Hyderabad. The screening camp is doing general dental health check-up for decayed teeth, missing teeth, filled teeth, and for other miscellaneous dental and gum ailments. The Camp was inaugurated today.

dental cancer camp

The camp aims to detect oral cancers in the early stages and curb oral cancers. Fifteen Dental Surgeons including Oral & Maxollofacial Specialists from IDA & Pananeeya Institute of Dental Sciences will be performing the Oral Cancer Checkup, Screening, Awareness, Detection where necessary biopsies will also be taken in suspected oral cancer lesion cases.

According to Dr A Srikanth, Secretary IDA, Deccan Branch; Telangana’s percentage of mouth, head, and neck cancers is 16%, which is higher than the national average of 12% surpassing the count of lung cancer cases. Head, neck and mouth cancers have now become the number one cancer among men in Telangana. Among the top 5 cancers in India, for instance, cancers of lungs, oral cavity, uterine cervix and large intestine have strong lifestyle risks. People who use tobacco products, smoke cigarettes, pipe, hookah or chew gutka, snuff etc. have much higher chances of getting lung or oral cavity cancers. Consuming alcohol alongside tobacco increases the risk of oral cancers even further. Oral cancers are the leading cancer by incidence in the world. The most common reasons include consumption of tobacco, betel nut, alcohol along with poor oral hygiene.

Dental surgeon plays a critical role in the diagnosis and treatment of oral cancer. Early detection and treatment is key to improving outcomes for patients with oral cancer. Oral cancer can be cured if found and treated at an early stage, dental doctors often finds oral cancer in its early stages because the mouth and lips are easy to examine, says Dr Srikanth.