21, Feb 2024
Post Operative Physical Therapy Rehabilitation in Rotationalplasty
Dr.Sathya Siva., MPT (Neuro)
Tutor, Saveetha College of Physiotherapy
Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai-602105
Rotationalplasty is a novel functional surgical technique performed, in which the affected part of lower leg is amputated and the remaining portion of ankle is rotated to 180 0 and reattached . The successful rate of the surgery depends to good functional activates, healing, reduction of hospital stay and prevention of complication of the disease. Multidisciplinary rehabilitation, such as appropriate prosthetic fitting and physical therapy support, is necessary to ensure a successful recovery.
Enhancing muscle strength, gait pattern, balance, coordination, and joint flexibility is a major role of physical therapists. During the rotational plasty rehabilitation, proper knowledge about the patient’s condition must be addressed together with a deeper comprehension of joint biomechanics, where the ankle complex serves similar purpose as the knee complex.
Several physical therapy management evidence supports the patient to return back to normal like Active range of motion exercise, strengthening program using progressive resistance training, gait training using a parallel bar and crutch training.
Rotationalplasty is a better choice for the patient with bone tumors in leg .The functional Ankle joint at the level of the knee allows better functioning of the prosthesis which helps the patient to perform well in sports and ADL’s
Dr.Sathyasiva has been probing on relationship with the Neuroplasticity on before and after the rotaionalplasty in his exemplary research works .These finding would be helping to treat the patient with better understanding of several adaptation of brain during rehabilitation.
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- By Rabindra