27, Jul 2024
Higher education is essential for women empowerment- Ravi Boseraju


Education is important for the overall development of the country and women’s empowerment. Ravi Boseraju, the state youth leader of the Congress released the poster of the ongoing education awareness campaign “Complete Education for the Good of the Country” with the message that if girls are educated, the country will become rich.

In today’s world, education is essential if the youth are to live a life of equality, courage, and self-reliance. As the saying goes, “If a woman learns, a school is opened”, if a woman is educated, she will try to build an equal society by correcting the vicissitudes of the society.

He said that the women’s empowerment program is important by creating awareness about the importance of women’s education in rural areas through campaigns.

On this occasion campaign organizer KP Anil Kumar, municipal council members Timma Ruddy, Govinda Ruddy Uppet, Janardhan Hallibenchi, Mallesha, Sharanbasavaraddy, Shastri, Manikantha Khanapur, Kira, and many others were present.