13, Feb 2023
Adding Functionalities to Textiles & Clothing is the Focus of the 3rd International FTC Conference being organised by World University of Design and IIT Delhi
World University of Design and IIT Delhi hosted the 3rd International Conference on Functional Textiles and Clothing (FTC 2023) slated for February 10th to 12th, 2023 at LHC 111, Lecture Hall Complex, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi. The Inaugural Session was conducted on Saturday, February 11th, 2023.
Spread over three days, the conference aims to focus on various aspects of the textile and clothing industry and the technological advancements at play along with its impact on the environment. Representatives from renowned universities from across the globe have been invited to pilot path breaking sessions, sharing their varied experiences and research work with students and faculty members.
The Inauguration session was addressed by Mr. Rajeev Saxena (Joint Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India) who has thrown light upon the ‘National Technical Textiles Mission’; Prof. Xianyi Zeng (ENSAIT, France) emphasizing upon ‘Creation of a Green Textile Environment Protection Oriented Supply Chain Through Intelligent Digital Form’ and Dr. Mayank Dwivedi (Director, DMSRDE, Kanpur) shared his insights and theories on the topic ‘Textile Materials in Defense Application’.
Chair of the Scientific Committee Prof. Abhijit Majumdar while talking about the response to the conference said, “Over a hundred speakers will be presenting their work in three parallel sessions and 30 researchers will be presenting posters. The speakers are coming from nearly 70 institutions across 20 countries worldwide. This is an excellent response from the scientific committee.”
Prof Sanjay Gupta, Co-Chair of the Organising industry and Vice Chancellor of the World University of Design said, “Textile industry as a whole is multifaceted machinery involving scientific and technical aspects and grosses a huge section of the GDP for India. At the same time, the industry is constantly on the radar of environmentalists for wasteful practices which in the past decade have been checked and rectified across nations and manufacturers to create sustainable and circular chains. Going beyond basic aesthetics and building functionalities in textile and clothing, adds value to the whole supply chain. Hosting this conference with IIT Delhi gives me immense pleasure and I am keen on hearing enriching insights from experts in the field.”
The Conference thus is an enriching opportunity to brainstorm and learn from for students and faculty alike. Touching and pondering over topics across verticals like marketing, engineering, ecology, science, etc involved in the trade of textiles will prove to be the key to taking a voyage towards modernization of the industry, making it relevant to current times whilst gauging the challenges it faces at the hands of changing ecology, consumer trends, etc.
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- By Rabindra