20, May 2023
Chai Chun to Celebrate International Tea Day with a Blend of Health and Knowledge

20th May 2023 India: As the highly anticipated International Tea Day approaches on May 21st, 2023, Chai Chun, a prominent player in India’s tea industry, is poised to join the jubilant festivities. With India’s significant role as one of the world’s largest tea producers, tea holds a cherished place in the country’s cultural tapestry, permeating social customs and hospitality across diverse regions.

In celebration of International Tea Day and to highlight the profound impact of tea on society, culture, and well-being, Chai Chun and Okayti Tea Company are uniting for a momentous collaboration. Renowned for their unwavering commitment to providing tea enthusiasts with exceptional brews, Okayti Tea Company will embark on a special plucking and manufacturing drive on this special day, showcasing their dedication to uncompromising excellence.

According to Rajeev Baid, CEO & MD of ChaiChun, “International Tea Day is an important occasion that enables the recognition of the rich heritage and cultural significance of tea. It serves as a platform to acknowledge the key players and contributors in the tea industry and facilitates their growth and development.”

Chai Chun, acclaimed as India’s premier tea boutique, is set to enchant tea lovers across the nation with a captivating celebration that blends the art of tea, the pursuit of well-being, and a commitment to fair trade. This momentous occasion will serve as a platform for Chai Chun to share their extensive wisdom and expertise in the captivating world of tea. Marking this joyous day, the distinguished tea emporium will open its doors to tea enthusiasts, hosting enticing free tea-tasting sessions at their stores spread throughout India.

Furthermore, Chai Chun recognizes the intrinsic value of fair trade in the tea industry. Their celebration serves as a resounding testament to their commitment to ethical sourcing and sustainability. By embracing fair trade practices, Chai Chun ensures that tea farmers and workers receive equitable remuneration and labor under conditions of dignity and respect. Through their endeavors, Chai Chun encourages a conscious appreciation of tea, where each sip represents a step towards a more equitable and compassionate world.

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