5, Jun 2023
Sonar Clinical Research Diversity in Clinical Trials Summit Signifies a Significant Achievement in Promoting Healthcare Equity Within the Community

Sonar Clinical Research Diversity in Clinical Trials SummitAtlanta, GA, June 05, 2023: The Diversity in Clinical Trials Summit, held on April 22nd, 2023, at The Gathering Spot, Atlanta Ga proved to be an extraordinary community event focused on promoting diversity and inclusion within the field of clinical research. The summit brought together renowned experts, thought leaders, healthcare professionals, patient advocates, and industry representatives. It resulted in significant progress towards equitable representation in clinical trials.

Diversity in clinical trials has long been recognized as a critical issue, as the lack of representation among various demographic groups often leads to disparities in healthcare outcomes. The Diversity in Clinical Trials Summit aimed to address this imbalance by fostering meaningful discussions, sharing best practices, and inspiring collective action.

The summit showcased a wide range of topics through engaging panel discussions, and networking opportunities. Participants delved into key themes such as the importance of community engagement, safety/ethical considerations in clinical trials, the difference between routine office visits vs. clinical trial visits, and innovative strategies to improve diversity in clinical trials.

One of the highlights of the summit was the inspiring keynote fireside chat between Dr. Jerome Adams, 20th Surgeon General of the United States and Dr. Akinola CEO of Sonar Clinical Research (Organizer) a renowned healthcare advocate and champion for diversity in medical research. Their thought-provoking insights and personal experiences served as a catalyst for meaningful conversations and inspired attendees to work together towards transformative change.

The summit also featured panel discussions led by Dr. Patrice Thorpe (Investigator, and Health Educator at Amaize Health). It also featured esteemed experts from diverse backgrounds, including leading researchers, patient advocates, and community representatives. These discussions addressed challenges, opportunities, and actionable strategies to enhance diversity in clinical trials across therapeutic areas.

Participants gained valuable insights into implementing inclusive recruitment and participant safety practices. They also surpassed barriers to participation, ensuring culturally sensitive clinical trial design and execution.

Throughout the event, attendees expressed a deep commitment to making a lasting impact in clinical research. The summit facilitated productive collaborations and generated tangible outcomes, such as partnerships between clinicians, patient advocacy groups, and regulatory bodies. This was to drive diversity initiatives forward.

“We are thrilled to witness the resounding success of the Diversity in Clinical Trials Summit,” said Dr. Akinola, the event’s organizer. This summit marks a significant milestone in the clinical research community’s journey towards healthcare equity. By prioritizing diversity and inclusion in clinical research, stakeholders can ensure that medical advancements are accessible to all and that no patient is left behind.

The Diversity in Clinical Trials Summit concluded with a call to action. It urged all stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem to embrace diversity as an imperative in clinical trials. Participants left the event with renewed enthusiasm, armed with knowledge and practical strategies to effect change within their respective organizations and communities.

Moving forward, the organizers remain committed to continuing the summit momentum. They are planning follow-up initiatives, including mentorship programs, educational resources, and ongoing collaborations, to sustain the progress made and drive further advancements in diversity and inclusion within clinical trials.

Sonar Clinical Research expresses profound gratitude for the invaluable partnership and investment showcased by each of their sponsors and partners:
Sponsors: Sonar Clinical Research, Komtur Pharmaceuticals, American Clinical Trials.
Partners: Impact Element Solutions, Amaize Health, South Atlanta Area Primary Care
Sonar Clinical Research (SCR) is a leading organization dedicated to promoting diversity, inclusion, and equitable access to healthcare. Through its initiatives, events, and advocacy efforts, it strives to address healthcare disparities and foster a more equitable future for all.

For more information about the Diversity in Clinical Trials Summit, please visit www.sonarcr.com or contact Dr. Vincent Akinola at vakinola@sonarcr.com or 317-332-5378
Sonar Clinical Research
Vincent Akinola

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